Travis is proud of them as they really have taken to all this-- the chatter this morning while getting ready for school was on some fishing regulation-- I didn't know what they were talking about but they were intently discussing it and an up coming fishing trip. They all have their own fillet knives and do all their own cleaning and filleting. They are steadily acquiring all the rods, reel, nets, lures, hooks etc that is "so important" to fishing success. It was fun to watch them when they got home on Saturday night-- we have learned alot this summer-- the whole family jumped in and go to work (after the boys wolfed down some dinner) we have a rhythm down now and we did the final prep, cutting and trimming,- vacuum sealed and cleaned up everything in an hour and a half. Everyone was tired -- the boys had been up since 5 am... but we all got in and got her done...I love it when as a family we do that!