Sunday, January 25, 2009

Having fun with the camera....

Here are some pictures that we took to send down to our kids in Haiti...... another trip has come and gone with us only be able to send down a package. We feel like we are gettting closer (recognize "closer" is used loosely) to the time they will get to come home. We still could be a year out-- but because we don't know for sure when they will get to come home, and money is so tight-- we are saving so we can bring the home when the time comes........ So I send down packages for them with Corrie and Lindsay who do the updates. Trying to put all your love into a gallon sized zip lock bag can be a huge challenge! I felt like my mom probably did everytime she had to pack it all into the White trailer and the brown horse trailer! I use every square inch of that one gallon bag!!!! I try to make it exciting for them- something for them to look forward to...but I always send two of us and a lotion that has a special essential oil in it that I would rub the kids down with every night when I was down there.... I hope the scent will remind them of sweet memeories of when we were together. I will post new pictures when I get my update from Corrie...

Any ways here are some pictures we took for them! The kids were really having a fun time of it!
and really!!!! could the bug be any cuter?
I think not!!!!


Lani said...

Fabulous pictures! Where do I start to comment....

Lindsay Mama to Nine said...

I bet they will LOVE the pictures Airica!
Tivi is edible!
What a gorgeous family!
Praying you guys will have good news soon!!!!


Oh the hair!

Oh the hair!
this is our dear tivi.....look at the fro!!! the hair is a favorite :)