Sunday, July 18, 2010

A day of fishing.....

I thought I would post some pictures that Tayjha took yesterday....Travis took Tayjha, Tru, Tell and Titus out for a day of fishing..... It ended up being from 8 on the morning till 11 at night. Travis said they would have fished forever---- they didn't want to quit when he told them it was time to stop. They met some friends up there and did a lot of fishing. I sent the camera-- and because Tayjha was there--- I actually got to see some shots-- thanks Girl! Hope you enjoy the day.......I know they did... They all arrived home tired but happy and content from a full day with their dad.
1. Whale Pass
2. There are fish in how to catch them......
3. Getting everyone lined up and picking their spots......

In his element.........

If you look closely you can see a man.... a happy man.... a man who loves where he is....... a man who is happy to be out in the woods.........a man fishing with his kids..............I am glad to be here ..... in a place that is SO perfect for him.........a place that makes him happy.............That makes me happy too!

Checking the troops......

Travis is going up the bank checking all the troops....he is teaching them well. Though I may be biased.... they always seem to do well and come home with their limit. They all LOVE to fish and would choose to fish over eating, sleeping and definitely work (especially mom's list).

whale pass...its a good place........

Their first fishing stop of the day is Whale Pass..... it is a beautiful place and lots of great fishing....

Log Jam beauty

The second place they went and fished yesterday ---- it was absolutely beautiful... a real unique place and a fun place to fish....they plan on going back!!!!!

Ready for action

1.Tru is ready and waiting for action.....

2.Phil (a friend they met up there) caught a big one and Tru was ready and waiting to help bring it in.... we are still short a couple of poles so they get to take turns with net duty......

caught in the net....

Nets aren't they great! Travis is bringing back one more to the stash.....

Berries and pics

Any guesses what Tayjha was looking for while she was out with the boys? All the fish and landscape pics she took-- we are so glad she went so we got the pics of this amazing day!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Pic #1

Hey! you guys ever tried this stuff? Its GREAT!!!!!!!!

Pic #2

Tayjha makes the best jam! I think I will have some more now............

Pic # 3

I think it's the best right outta the jar!

Pic #4

Forgetta 'bout it!!!!! silverware is for the birds....this is the way to do it. (I highly recommend this method.... it speeds up delivery.....)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Dressing myself......

Tivi is choosing her own clothing right now. This day she was dressing to go work in the green house. When mom has her favorite Ariel PJ dress soaking in oxy clean-- her next choice is a combination of PJ tops and bottoms... they are all however paired with her camo rain boots...always...... On this particular day she was sporting a pair of pink pj shorts worn as a skirt (both of her legs were in One short leg- she had to do it herself) I kept trying to get a pic of it but she would turn ---- I wanted a pic of the back to show her with the second leg of her short hanging off the back... pretty cute. Tivi will be two at the end of the month..she is quite the funny little ray of sunshine in our lives.....we are having a great time watching her grow --she keeps us busy and laughing. I am so happy she came to us when she did---what a surprise......what a delight. I can't think of what my life would be without her!!!!!!


One more item on the TO DO LIST checked off. The railing on the front deck is finished...Yeah! Tivi can now run out there and play-- she thinks of it as her own special place to play out of the rain....... thanks DAD and Tru

Smoked Salmon

Travis built a smoke house and we are learning the art of smokin' salmon.... we are enjoying trying all the different recipes and finding what we like.... The boys have kept us in the ingredients (thank you boys). I have also been finding lots of different recipes to use this yummy stuff in .......

Fireweed to Honey

From pic one to pic two... we have a magic.... Tessa and Tayjha went and picked fireweed blossoms yesterday and this is what we made with it.... it is called Homesteader honey. Honestly --- it tastes just like honey---- Yummy.... And I know this because I have an confession to make....(see following post)

mmmmmm....mmmmm......... Good!

Now that my kitchen is back up... what was the first order of business? MAKE BREAD FOR THE MASSES!!!!!! In the last two days I have made 24 loaves of bread and four dozen cinnamon rolls. Among other motherly endeavors like cleaning, cooking, laundry, dishes, canning and smoking fish etc..... I love the smell of fresh bread.....mmmmmmm. And though I am not supposed to.... I have had a (meaning one---- OK two) heels... no one but me likes the heels--so they would really just be wasted if I didn't eat them......and of course they were nice and hot out of the let me explain....I had to.... see.....cause....... we had just made this new honey (see previous post) and I had to make sure it was safe for my off spring to consume...... That is just the kind of mom I am.... But never again--- I promise not to eat ANY MORE BREAD----- I have to be good--- I will be good. I want to be good. I will be content to smell my beautiful wheat bread....not eat- just smell..... just smell..... step away from the counter and just smell......

Berries and more berries.....

The kids have been a huntin'..... for what you may ask? Berries and more berries. Some times they are easy to get --- some times you have to work a little bit for it..... but it is always worth it! Right now we are into the salmonberries and early huckleberries. Soon the thimble berries and gooseberries will be on. The elderberries are starting to turn.....soon they will be ready.....Yipee....... Tayjha is the queen of the berries... she goes out everyday and checks her patches for newly turned berries.... the freezer is filling up with jam. We have also been having huckleberry sourdough pancakes......yyyyyyuuuuummmmmmmmmmmyyyyyyy!!!!

Oh what do you do in the summertime- when all the streams are full?.....

Oh what do you in summer time when all the streams are full?

If you are my boys you go fishin' of course! Tru came through the door the other day (after one of their fishing trips.....) The first thing he said was.... "THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE" ..... I think that was the day they caught like 3o silvers...... Not bad eh? The pictures here are of a day they got into some kings..... I don't have pictures of all of the trips....funny how when they are in the fish-- they forget to take pics for mom....

Friday, July 9, 2010

Taking Shape

IT's HERE!!!!! My film finally came in !

So between juggling a kitchen remodel-- (Phase 1) Fishing for King Salmon-- (pictures to follow). (Travis is getting to try out his newly built smoke house....)

Loosing the water to the house.... to update there still is no water in the house---- camping anyone....why go far from home when you can live it right here.....--

We are also trying to finish the greenhouse--- boxes to make- fill and plant ..... but who's' complaining ... not me.... I am so excited. I am falling into bed every night. Did I mention I was excited!!!!! That may not be the whole truth --- I confess I did call Amber yesterday so she could give me the pep talk--- I needed to be reminded that it will always looks worse before it looks better-- and I will be much happier when it is all done-- it will be SSSSoooo worth it.

I am ready to complete the project- I mean projects at hand....Did I happen to mention the cabinet in the hallway that we are having to re build the doors--- and yes it is the first thing you see when you step in the house. #1 is repaired and on the cabinet--- #2 is in the bar clamps drying as we speak and the third will get put in the clamps tonight!!! A doorless cabinet is Not my favorite sight-- I have been trying to use the side door as much as possible.... The Laundry shelves that have to be cleared out to make room for the extra fridge that I desperately need. My laundry room is quickly becoming a bit of a Mary Poppin's bag... quite amazing really..... The open stairs I am proud to report have been closed in.... and visually my world is much happier.... OH then there is the bathroom--- but I think that will have to wait...... at least a couple of weeks----- only five projects at a time please......

Which brings me back to the purpose of this post..... My tomato blossoms! They now have a home--- and they are very happy. My green house needs to get its doors on so that the deer won't eat them- but we are on our way........ The plastic finally arrived! Yippee!!!!!

You did what to the kitchen?

So what does a girl do when she is tired of being PATIENT? I was this girl---- I was still waiting (Patiently remember....) for my plastic to come so I could finish my greenhouse--- all the plants in my little temp box were crowding each other and straining to get their share of the light.... I was also tapping my foot and watching the days ticking by on the calendar -- Don't they know that I have veggies to plant in my greenhouse?---- why are they taking 3.75 weeks to get it to me--- It would not have been so bad but I had already gotten half the order 2 1/2 weeks ago--- just not the plastic skin. ARGGGGG!

Anyways back to my question... what is a girl to do? Why tear up her kitchen of course..... the week was super rainy..... so doing anything outside was not such a fun option. It started with building a couple of shelves for my corner racks....and the next thing I know I am building cabinet boxes, taking off my plastic covered pretend countertop and away we go. See the picture above is what I got moving into this house.... not much of a kitchen really. And sadly the kitchen is perhaps the place I spend most of my time.... cooking -- trying in vain to fill up 5 teenagers 24-7. ---- Having said that I have to say that tearing my kitchen up has been a royal pain in the you know what in the meal department. Eating and cleaning up has been quite a challenge. Every time I turn around someone is getting my new countertop wet or dirty and so I have to wait longer to seal it ---

Then what do you think happens to help get it done--- why we run out of water of course. We are on a water catch and containment -- (in layman terms ---- we catch water from the rain and keep it in a large black tank-- then pump it in our house to use.) We think there is a crack or hole in the tank..:( the silver lining in this is....... No water---no messing up my countertop-- it was just the window of opportunity I needed...... I sanded away... my kids are a bit skittish though.... every time I think that one of them are getting with in an arms length of my countertop- I chase them out. I think they will be excited to get the project completed too.

So back to my story/ explanation. The confines of the kitchen foot print kept me from changing the layout sadly... so I had to get creative. Oh and did I mention that I really didn't have much of a budget for this--- especially since I hadn't even talked to Travis about it :)

So the top two pictures are of its condition right now-- I am applying the coats of paint to the base and sealer to countertop the last picture is what it looks like before.... I will post pics when it is completed.

A many thanks goes out to my Sister Amber who went shopping at the fabric store for me to get some items that were needed to this project too! She boldly shopped for me- despite the pressure and allowed me to run her all over the store while she described to me what my options were VIA cell phone---- Many thanks Sis! Promise to post pics of the completed project as soon as the fabric comes and I get it all sewn up!

I am already planning new shelves for the opposite wall and perhaps some cabinets for above the countertops..... Travis is of course not aware of my plans though... I am waiting for the opportune moment --- I am also waiting for my new water filter to get here so I can design around that! And I will have to build everything from scratch.... There is only a small hardware store here with VERY limited stock..... but isn't that part of the fun? ....stay tuned......

Oh the hair!

Oh the hair!
this is our dear tivi.....look at the fro!!! the hair is a favorite :)