Thursday, July 15, 2010

Berries and more berries.....

The kids have been a huntin'..... for what you may ask? Berries and more berries. Some times they are easy to get --- some times you have to work a little bit for it..... but it is always worth it! Right now we are into the salmonberries and early huckleberries. Soon the thimble berries and gooseberries will be on. The elderberries are starting to turn.....soon they will be ready.....Yipee....... Tayjha is the queen of the berries... she goes out everyday and checks her patches for newly turned berries.... the freezer is filling up with jam. We have also been having huckleberry sourdough pancakes......yyyyyyuuuuummmmmmmmmmmyyyyyyy!!!!

1 comment:

Amber said...

SSHHH! Don't tell Jeff! LOL!

Oh the hair!

Oh the hair!
this is our dear tivi.....look at the fro!!! the hair is a favorite :)