Thursday, July 15, 2010

mmmmmm....mmmmm......... Good!

Now that my kitchen is back up... what was the first order of business? MAKE BREAD FOR THE MASSES!!!!!! In the last two days I have made 24 loaves of bread and four dozen cinnamon rolls. Among other motherly endeavors like cleaning, cooking, laundry, dishes, canning and smoking fish etc..... I love the smell of fresh bread.....mmmmmmm. And though I am not supposed to.... I have had a (meaning one---- OK two) heels... no one but me likes the heels--so they would really just be wasted if I didn't eat them......and of course they were nice and hot out of the let me explain....I had to.... see.....cause....... we had just made this new honey (see previous post) and I had to make sure it was safe for my off spring to consume...... That is just the kind of mom I am.... But never again--- I promise not to eat ANY MORE BREAD----- I have to be good--- I will be good. I want to be good. I will be content to smell my beautiful wheat bread....not eat- just smell..... just smell..... step away from the counter and just smell......

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Oh the hair!

Oh the hair!
this is our dear tivi.....look at the fro!!! the hair is a favorite :)